About Us

Some call us crazy, others impetuous, we ourselves say passionate. All in all: wild.

Who is WirbelWild.


Companies have a responsibility to society as a whole and we want to live up to it.

This is how WirbelWild deals with it.


About wild thoughts, insights and a revolution in the printing and media industry.

Read now.


Ask us your questions, brainstorm ideas with us, tell us about your vision.

Contact WirbelWild.


Communicate and publish in revolutionary ways that Gutenberg would be proud of.

How we do it.

For whom

We have worked for some industries more often than others. Here you will find our focuses.

Who WirbelWild supports.


Here you will find a selection of the products where we are at our best.

What WirbelWild does.


Do you need inspiration? Check out our projects.

Be inspired.

WirbelWild supports:

Product developers and retailers

The work does not end with the development of a brand or a product: now, at the latest, the presentation and communication needs to be done so that sales are successful. Depending on the product and target group, very different ways are required. In addition to logo development, business equipment and packaging, we support you with everything from the website to trade fair materials.

We are happy to support smaller, local companies or companies with particularly sustainable products and ideas.

With which products we reach top form for Product developers and retailers.

Brochures and Documentation, Calendars and Personalized gift ideas

Deborah Koengeter

Let's talk about our support of Product developers and retailers!

I'm Deborah Köngeter and your contact when it comes to how we at WirbelWild support Product developers and retailers.

Write me an email at |||563%40C29%5D%3C%406%3F86E6CoH%3AC36%3DH%3A%3D5%5D4%40%3E or call me at |||ZchUE9%3A%3FDAj%5DUE9%3A%3FDAjW_Xf%60%60UE9%3A%3FDAj%5DUE9%3A%3FDAjhh+da+ge%5Ce_. I look forward to you!