Our competencies

Printed matter can be disposable — or real art. And everything in between. At WirbelWild, we are committed to printed matter whose lifespan should be longer than the journey from the mailbox to the trash can and that is why we don't think much of scattered advertising, for example. We want to produce printed matter that people enjoy holding in their hands, that communicate with appreciation, that perhaps have a place on a bookshelf or on a wall for many years.

Our work begins with the conception of products — from business cards to books — and culminates in a print-ready file for handover to a printing company. For production, we rely on printers who value class, who are aware of the strengths of their machines and want to push them to their limits. The software for this was missing for a long time; With the development of our software ManyPrint Solutions we have closed this gap.

After many years in which the death of printed products was repeatedly predicted, the realization is gaining ground that they are anything but dead. On the contrary: they can and should finally play to their strengths again and show what they can do — namely convey value, appeal to the senses, and provide relevant information. Nothing could make us happier because we love printed things! And we are convinced: Digitalization does not deprive them of their foundation, but can take them to a new level — for more varied print products up to edition 1.

We create exceptional web design and develop software for web and print applications. This also includes Web2Print, online shops and personalization.


We're revolutionizing the way designers around the world work with our online calendar creation service.


We automatically generate 100% individualized print data and give your print products targeted added value with the possibilities of digitalization.


We produce the most beautiful printed matter and provide you with expert advice on the right printing process for every request — from letterpress printing with hand typesetting to offset printing, on the most valuable papers.


We develop corporate designs and ensure precise communication through competent design and professional typesetting down to the last detail — from business cards to books to non-print products.
