About Us

Some call us crazy, others impetuous, we ourselves say passionate. All in all: wild.

Who is WirbelWild.


Companies have a responsibility to society as a whole and we want to live up to it.

This is how WirbelWild deals with it.


About wild thoughts, insights and a revolution in the printing and media industry.

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Communicate and publish in revolutionary ways that Gutenberg would be proud of.

How we do it.

For whom

We have worked for some industries more often than others. Here you will find our focuses.

Who WirbelWild supports.


Here you will find a selection of the products where we are at our best.

What WirbelWild does.


Do you need inspiration? Check out our projects.

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Automation and authenticity — two apparent opposites

Passion, authenticity, passion or soul are not necessarily the associations that come to mind at first when you hear about automation. So how does what we say are not opposites fit together?

While we are asked this question again and again and obviously worry our counterparts, the answer is simple for us: For us, automation first and foremost means, quite simply and neutrally, saving time through the automatic execution of recurring tasks — in our case made possible by software on the one hand and semantically structured digital data sources on the other.

Automation allows us to focus on well-thought-out, sophisticated and authentic concepts.
Deborah Koengeter

What people do with or with such time savings can look very different. We decided to use the time saved to invest in quality and create time for data quality, for checks and corrections — and last but not least: concepts. “It is important to us that automation is not associated with mechanical dispassion, but rather the opposite,” says Deborah Köngeter. “Automation allows us to focus on well-thought-out, sophisticated and authentic concepts. We are happy to take advantage of this opportunity, because for a long time we had to deal with the fact that, in the face of competition and the impression of standardization and its price advantages, customers no longer had enough time for an analysis of the current situation, quality assurance and individual concepts that were suitable for them appreciated.”

Automation solutions make individual concepts competitive again.

For example, while we initially spent a lot of time with manual sentence work, we have now created numerous software libraries that support us. They take on tasks that follow clear logic and consistent rules. Conversely, we have more time in the earlier phases of a project. This procedure is also reflected in our offers: The one-off initial costs for a project are somewhat higher compared to non-automated ones, because we both again plan more time for concepts and time to implement the individual applications for automation. At the same time, however, the follow -up costs have decreased. We usually only play layouts at the push of a button, so that depending on the product and its complexity, the duration of the project, the number of variants played, etc., a financial saving compared to the classic layout is often created.

New possibilities for variable and customizable products

It is also important to us that automation not only allows previous concepts to adapt, but that this also opens up new possibilities: in the combination of digital data sources and automation solutions, there are great opportunities for individual products. The curating of content that results from the combination of different criteria and the enrichment of existing data via interfaces are only two of many options.

In addition, we can, for example, score points with close connection and service in the concepts we develop: Text variables enable different formal addresses — depending on the degree of connection —; anyone who has difficulties with small font sizes or weaker contrasts can get a product variant in which Design variation these barriers are taken into account. Language or color variants, on the other hand, are almost gimmicks.

We see a strength in our favorite projects and concepts in the fact that instead of collecting or purchasing data, we work with information that the recipients and users provide willingly, actively and happily — for example via an online form. because they have recognized the value of the product it enables: information tailored to them that takes into account their needs and/or likes and dislikes.

Concepts that not only convey the authenticity of our customers, but also bear our signature

While many see the scaling as the greatest advantage of automation, the curating of existing information from their great abundance is the greatest strength. Depending on the project, this can be two sides of a medal, but for us it is above all a question of attitude: we think the products from the individual recipients: inside and users: inside — to implement this economically, enables us to automate.